Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not a menu, unless you like to eat canvas goats.

I really enjoyed I Love You, Man, with Paul Rudd (whom, incidentally, I also really enjoy), because it actually made me laugh out loud with its Jell-O dialogue (hilariously awkward, a little wobbly, fun, but inexplicably real). For about a year after I saw the movie, "totes magoats" was my response to pretty much, well, everything. It's just so much dern fun to say! Nerdy wordie that I am, I simply could not leave a pun unpenned. And so, for carrying your groceries around after you have planned the perfect menu, may I suggest this tremendously cool Totes M'goats Bag that I designed? It's super awesome, if I may state the obvious. Also, if you buy one, you will be super awesome, which is even more obvious. The question becomes: Can you afford not to have this bag? Find it at my CafePress store.

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